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eBook Vst
Disponibilidad: En existencia
ISBN: 9780273785217
Precio sin IVA:
$ 230.000

Edición: 4
Copyright: 2013
Páginas: 720

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PRODUCTO DIGITAL: Engineering Vibrations Mv P4 (eBook)

By Daniel J. Inmam

Descripción: This book is intended for use in a first course in vibrations or structural for undergraduates in mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering or engineering mechanics. The text contains the topics normally found in such courses in accredited engineering departments as set out initially by Den Hartog and refined by Thompson. In addition, topics on design, measurement and computation are addressed.

CHAPTER 1 IntroductIon to vibration and the free response 
CHAPTER 2 Response to harmonic excitation 
CHAPTER 3 General forced response 
CHAPTER 4 Multiple-deGree-of-freedom systems 
CHAPTER 5 Dezign for vibration suppression 
CHAPTER 6 DIstrIbuted-Parameter systems 
CHAPTER 7 Vibration testinG and experimental modal analysIs 
CHAPTER 8 Finite element method